My Thoughts on Facebookā€™s New Cryptocurrency: Libra

Cryptocurrency is becoming more widely accepted sooner than expected, thanks in part to Facebook’s launch of its own cryptocurrency, Libra. For quite some time I’ve been studying about cryptocurrency and believe it can be a big help to nonprofit organizations and churches. In this episode of the vlog, I’m sharing with you why we should be paying attention to Libra and its development, how different it is with other cryptocurrencies, and more.

I’d also love for you to check out the book I co-wrote with Nick Runyon, ‘Crypto for Good’:

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My Thoughts on Facebookā€™s New Cryptocurrency: Libra

I think Facebook just created the Facebook of Cryptocurrency. Yes, that would make Bitcoin the Myspace of the crypto world.

Let me explain.

If you haven’t heard, Facebook announced that they will be joining with 100 different partners including companies like Mastercard, Uber and PayPal. I think the best summary from Libra’s whitepaper that explains the currency is in these 3 core points:

  1. It is built on a secure, scalable, and reliable blockchain;

  2. It is backed by a reserve of assets designed to give it intrinsic value;

  3. It is governed by the independent Libra Association tasked with evolving the ecosystem.

Let me quickly explain each point:
1. Libra is built on the same powerful technology that Bitcoin was built on: blockchain. While many have challenged the merits of cryptocurrency, few question the power, security and scale of blockchain technology.

2. The Libra Association will hold a collective of fiat currencies as reserve that will give the “stable...

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Book Announcement: Crypto for Good

cryptocurrency resources Apr 03, 2019

I started paying attention to cryptocurrency about 2 years ago when a friend of mine told me that she invested just a few hundred dollars and that investment turned into 6 figures of value and later 7. Before I began to invest, I wanted to understand what it is and how it works and why in the world something could escalate in value so fast.

I still remember sitting at Starbucks about 18 months ago with my boss, Rick Dunham, where I shared with him my fascination with cryptocurrency and the 2 of us trying to wrap our minds around what it is and the implications that can follow? Unfortunately, we didn’t figure it all out in that hour at Starbucks, but it was the beginning of a journey.

These conversations took me down a path of questions that included:

  • What is money?

  • Why is money worth anything?

  • Why do banks exist?

  • Can money be worth something one day and nothing the next?

  • Do we need a new kind of money?

  • What is blockchain?

  • Is it really possible to build a...

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Is TikTok the Next Big Thing?

Have you heard of Tik Tok? You may have heard about it from friends or likely you have seen an ad on Facebook and YouTube. Tik Tok is trending up right now and many people, including celebrities, are jumping into the bandwagon. The creativity of users on Tik Tok is fun to see, but can it be the next big thing on social media? I answer this question on this episode of the vlog.


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4 Things to Learn from Joe Roganā€™s Digital Strategy

digital technology Mar 05, 2019

If you’ve watched Fear Factor during its early days, you’re likely familiar with its well known host, Joe Rogan. He has been an early pioneer in digital media and with that, he has over four million subscribers on his YouTube channel, the Joe Rogan Experience. He also puts out a lot of content on his podcast which continues to sit atop the Top 10 charts of all podcast platforms. In this episode, I’m talking about four important things innovative leaders can learn from his digital strategy.


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3 Essential Tools for Remote Teams

resources technology Feb 27, 2019

I’ve been working remotely for almost five years now. I love the flexibility that allows me to be able to work from home, while traveling, and with a team that is distributed around the world. In the process, I’ve learned the need for tools to collaborate, organize, systematize and personalize connections. In this episode, I’m talking about three essential tools my team and I have been using, that may also help you work more effectively. How about you? What tools do you and your team use?


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My New MPOW H5 Bluetooth Headphones

technology Feb 06, 2019

Over the years I have tried using several types of headphones for different purposes. When it comes to headphones there are many considerations–comfort, battery life, sound quality, price, and more. In this episode, I’m talking about the MPOW H5 Bluetooth Headphones I recently received, and what I like and don’t like about them.


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LinkedInā€™s Newest Game-Changing Feature

social media Jan 30, 2019

LinkedIn is the social network I’m most focused on in 2019! On my channel, I’ve talked a lot about optimizing LinkedIn, its premium features, and doubling down on video content. Now, there’s a new Linkedin feature that not only helps you professionally, but also makes you stand out in a very personal way. Check it out!


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My 9-Year Old Created a YouTube Channel and So Can You

Like most kids, my daughter enjoys watching videos on YouTube. For her 9th birthday, my wife and I allowed her to create her own channel. This episode of the vlog is not about whether a 9-year old should have a YouTube channel, but rather the creative process she undergoes from conceptualizing her own videos, the filming equipment she uses, the editing process, how she uploads the videos and more. If a 9 year old can do it, so can you! Check this out this episode of the vlog!


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My New Favorite Oculus Go App

technology Jan 16, 2019

My Oculus Go is working again and I can’t wait to tell you about my new favorite app! I have been using this app for about a month and there are so many exciting things it brings to the global community of virtual reality (VR) creators and consumers. Plus, I’m making a special announcement at the end of the video, so make sure to watch to the end!


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